
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well my three weeks here in Gainesville are drawing to a near close.  Tomorrow we are starting our many hours/days journey to Johannesburg, South Africa.  I will post our itinerary below.  Please keep our teams in your prayers during the next couple of days. 

The last week has been filled with many activities in order to get our team prepared for the field.  I am thoroughly enjoying the dynamics of our team.  They love to laugh and have fun, and it has been awesome to observe the aspects of unity and community that they are beginning to embrace.  I will post some pictures below of some of our team builders. 

Praise God for the things He is beginning here in Gainesville and I am convinced that He will continue this good work until completion! 

Please join us in prayer and praising Him over the next couple of days for all that He is doing!  I will post as soon as I reach South Africa, or as soon as I can. 

I will have Skype while I am out there…so if any of you have it look me up and call me!  My username is hmichaele15.

God Bless and many thanks to all of you.

Welcome to Training Camp in Gainesville, GA

Our Itinerary:


LH 445 19Sep Atlanta to Frankfurt 430P 720A

LH 572 20Sep Frankfurt to Johannesburg 1040P 855A