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Thoughts & Inspiration

There has been a common word that the Lord continues to speak to me through various means. Deep….he whispers it, he shouts it, he longs for me to go deeper. And it’s not only me that he continues to beckon to the deep places. One of the privileges of my job with AIM is that I get to walk alongside a group of people searching for the deep parts of God. It truly is nothing short of an honor. I love hearing the ways that God is beckoning his children to Himself. It brings deep joy to my life and heart. Last week two of our students made the decision to be baptized. Cassie had been experiencing pretty sharp and intense pains in her stomach during her time in Africa. We prayed over her, we sang over her, we took her to the doctors, but nothing “seemed” to be wrong and nothing seemed to help. She was frustrated, toying with the idea of maybe going home. Now if you know Cassie you would realize that to lose her on our team would be nothing short of a devastation. One morning during our group discipleship time she vulnerably asked for prayer. So we put her in the middle and prayed over and sang over her. During that time the Lord ministered to her soul and she received a couple visions. In the first vision she saw herself preparing for battle. The second was of the Lord taking her hand and leading her into the ocean. As the waves crashed upon her and as she was taken under the water she felt something released. After that she made the decision to be baptized. Here’s a link to her blog page if you want to read her account  I was more than excited for her to baptized, remembering the power it had in my life. It released something in me to go deeper in my relationship with the Lord. I was a new creation and became free to explore the depths of God’s heart. Here are a few pictures of our service.

Jenny and Cassie before being baptized.

After being baptized, Cassie has experienced fewer and fewer stomach pains.   The Lord daily draws her to Himself.  Today I was able to spend an extended amount of time with her and I am constantly surprised with her vulnerability and openess to the Lord.  He is absolutely taking her into deeper waters and it’s an honor to walk alongside her.