
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I thought I would take some time to describe a few of the ministries that our students have been pouring themselves into these past couple of months. They will continue working with them over the next couple of weeks and will pick back up with them when they return from their Christmas breaks in January. One that touches my heart deeply is a ministry called The Joshua Project. “The Joshua Project is a safe haven for vulnerable children and children living on the street to receive love, support, education, and training. Through consistent relationships and education-based programs, we seek to help these children to realize and develop their unique talents; to become healthy, responsible adults and a productive part of the work force and community; and most importantly, to discover their value as a child of God created for a specific purpose.” Please visit their website for more information on their programs.

The Joshua Project building.

I’ve heard just a couple of stories about some of these children, please let me share them with you. Imagine being eight years old and living on the streets. Imagine being eight years old and instead of learning arithmetic, you’re learning how to survive alone, cold and hungry. Or how about another child who attends the Joshua Project who just a couple months ago watched his brother burn to death because his father came home drunk and lit the child’s bed on fire. These are the kids that they are reaching out to. These are the kids that our student’s hearts are breaking for. These are the kids that Jesus is calling us to love. My hope for these kids is that when life seems hopeless, they can remember that with God there is always hope. Just the other day I was able to help transport 50+ of these kids to a park for a graduation BBQ. On the way home after an afternoon full of swimming, food, and games they sang the song Bambalayla at the top of their lungs. Bambalayla, Jesu Bambalayla, it translates hold fast, hold fast, hold fast to Jesus. It was sweet music to my ears, just a little taste of heaven. I couldn’t imagine a better place to be; looking in the rearview mirror, seeing every child with a smile as they proclaimed to hold fast to Jesus. Can it be that simple? Life here sometimes seems so dark, so hopeless, so full of despair. And my heart continues to break, because I know the things that are going on here would break Jesus’ heart too.  But just as those kids sang the other day, so will I. Bambalayla, Jesu Bambalayla. I will hold fast to Jesus, because when we do we find hope and life.

Pray for the Joshua Project and pray for the kids here. Pray the Spirit of God would undeniably touch every child’s heart as they learn they are a child of God created for a specific purpose.

Photos courtsey of Tiffany Singleton.

3 responses to “The Joshua Project.”

  1. Thanks for the images and stories Heather. I can’t wait to serve with you there and experience what God is doing. You all are simply being Jesus with skin on to the people you encounter and you help replace the shadow of shame on their faces with radiant joy. (See Psalm 34:5). Live and love, life and God!!

  2. I love to hear about the work that you all are doing. You are making a difference. We all need encouragement and these little people need it so much. Thank you and your group for putting yourselves out there to do God’s will.

    I love this bit of wisdom and thought of it now: Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct F3 your paths.
    Enjoy the sun! It’s cold here 🙁

  3. Hi Heather! Love your update and hearing about the Joshua Project. I sent you a Thanksgiving card several weeks ago, and it was returned. Turns out I didn’t write out the words South Africa and just said SA. I was bumbed that you didn’t receive it on time, but I’m sending it anyway. Take care. You are in my thoughts and prayers. See you in less than a month!