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Well the end is close in sight. I still can’t believe that
in two days I will no longer call Jeffreys
Bay my home. It’s been a challenging experience, and there
is so much waiting for me at home, although it doesn’t take away the sadness of
leaving a group of people who you’ve invested into for the last eight
months. It’s been an incredible experience,
one to not be forgotten. God has
challenged me, stretched me and refined me once again.

Last night we returned home from Cape Town.
We spent four full days there, visiting and touring the sites. Although the weather was not pleasant, the
fog never lifting off of Table
Mountain, it still was a
beautiful time of rest, reflection and fun!
We hiked Table Mountain, we visited the penguins, we ate American
food, Cinnabun and Subway, we saw three movies, and we climbed Cape Point, the
most southern tip of Africa. It was a great way to spend some last moments
with our students.

The View at the top of Table Mountain.

Christina and I at the top of Table Mountain.


The drive to Cape Point, including a rainbow!

Cape Point, where it is believed two oceans meet.

The Cape of Good Hope.

The next couple of days we will be packing up and saying
our goodbyes. Most of us leave on
Thursday to return home. I will be
meeting up with Chad at the Frankfurt Airport
on Friday morning and from there we will fly to Atlanta where we will spend two weeks
visiting our AIM family and doing some pre marriage counseling. From there we will head to New
York to visit with my mother, step dad and brother for five days
and then back to Colorado
on June 3rd.

I cannot thank you enough for all of your love, prayers,
financial support and encouragement as I have been here. I truly would not have been able to do it
without you. I have been meaning to post
an update on Chad’s
and I’s plans, but with the craziness of this past week, have not been able
to. Once I return home I will post an
update about our upcoming plans! I love you all
and hope to visit with you when I am home!!



One response to “The End.”

  1. We can’t believe that you are coming home already. Where has the time gone. Our hearts are filled with gratitude that you experienced the face of God in the people you meant daily in Africa. God is not done with yet. Hold on. Be ready.

    We look forward to seeing you and Chad when you arrive in Colorado.

    Grandma and Grandpa Kotsay