
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Just another quick post to let you all know on a couple happenings with
our team. Although the last weeks have been excellent with Chad here,
we had the misfortune of losing one of our participants due to
sickness. Her name is Raelynn Chambers, and she could use all the
prayer she can get. She has undergone many tests and will continue to
these next couple of weeks as the doctors try to figure out all that is
going on in her. For the most part they have answers, and praise God
they are not life threatening, but it will be something she will have
to deal with for the rest of her life. Please pray for her strength
phsycially, emotionally and spiritually. We are not the same team
without her and miss her dearly. Pray that the Lord will continue
touching her!

Our Rae Rae.

Another quick note is that we are taking our team on
a two week outreach to Lesotho. Lesotho is a small country within SA.
It is about 7 hours away, so on Saturday morning we will pile into our
kombis and make the trek. We will be living out in the bush, or rural
area, and will be without electricity and running water. We are working
with a Pastor who has an orphanage of 8 children. Our team will be
living there and doing whatever we can to help. We are also planning on
doing some house visiting, and a lot of praying. Please be in prayer
for our team the next couple of weeks, for safe travels, for health and
for great opportunities to serve in any capacity! We plan to be back in
Jeffrey’s on April 4th. Communication will more than likely be slim, so
keep the team and I in your prayers and if possible I will update my
blog. Thank you all!


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