
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Africa is one of the most beautiful
countries in the world, I’m just sure of it.
I have felt so blessed this year to have been able to explore and see
another part of God’s world, his handiwork and masterpiece. On Friday Katie, Melissa and I went to TsiTsikamma National Park and hiked Storms River
Mouth. It was such a peaceful day, as
God found me right where I was at. It was a perfect ending to a really hard
week. Here are some pictures. Thank you for making this possible for me to

Love to you all,


2 responses to “Storms River Mouth.”

  1. What a beautiful place. Wish we could be there with you. Looking forward to your return and the big day. Do you need anything? Love you!

  2. Hi Heather, Wow how beautiful. I can’t think of a more appropriate place to seek God and be found! I love you. Finish strong. Peace to you.