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So something that I love about my job is doing the grocery shopping every Monday afternoon. It’s weird for me to admit that that is something I love, especially since before this trip it was something that I hated to do. But it’s become a ministry for my co leader Holly and I as God usually places people and opportunities in our path throughout the afternoon of shopping. Yesterday was probably my favorite day of shopping thus far. As we were leaving the house a couple kids from the township appeared at our house, as it’s no longer a mystery where all the Americans live. They have been coming over to our house on a pretty frequent basis for the last week or two. Sunday afternoon I taught them how to play the game Uno, and graciously lost all 3 games. Yesterday, instead of pointing them back home, most likely to an unsafe environment, Holly and I pulled up to them in our van, rolled the window down and asked if they had a couple hours to spare to be our helpers for the day. With smiles on their faces they agreed and hopped into our kombi. So here is a mini photo tour of our shopping extravaganza yesterday! We first went to the local grocery store called Pick n Pay. Here you can find anything you need, but be prepared to pay for the grocery bags at the end of our trip. Keegan agreed to be my helper and Christaan Holly’s helper and with our grocery carts, Holly and I took two kids around trying to teach them how to look for the best priced items as well as saying excuse me when you bump someone and thank you when someone allows you to pass. With their heads hardly being above the carts, we made our way to pay after letting them pick out something to eat and drink. They helped us bag it all up, push our way out and load up the van.

From Pick n Pay we went to Fruit and Veg, which is where we get all of our produce. We took a break and ate lunch on the grass, and inside took the time to dance to Gwen Stefani in the aisles. From there we made our way to the chicken man, ok his real name is John and his store, Kekkel en Kraai, but we refer to him as the chicken man, because you guessed it that is where we get our supply of chicken for the week. Over the course of the semester John has really become more open with us. Holly and I have enjoyed the relationship that our time has allowed us to build with him. And of course from there we have to go to the butchery, where we get our meat and cheese and also to the mini mart where we get our supply of bread for the week. After running into the people that we do and taking the time to talk or pray with them, as well making a run into the post office, that usually consumes our afternoon.

Fruit n Veg with our Kombi (van) proudly parked in front.

Me, Keegan and Christiaan enjoying a break.

Holly and John at the counter of Kekkel en Kraai.

So after exhausting our helpers, we made it back home and they continued to help us unload a van full of food. We managed to find a place for all of it which always is a challenge and decided to snack on some fruit and play another game of Uno. After teaching them how to shuffle a deck of cards, I suffered yet another loss. It was all in good fun and many laughs were shared as they told eachother the cards I held in Afrikaans. It was such a blessed day that we invited them to join us every Monday. Holly and I recognize in these boys such pleasant spirits yesterday that we are determined to not allow them to be a product of their circumstances like so many of the youth here. But we have hope that God will push them and make them so much more. I’m thankful for the opportunity to walk alongside these boys and hopefully can call them into a life full of hope, love and faith. Please join us in praying for these boys, but also the youth of Jeffrey’s Bay.

I feel blessed to do God’s work even in the menial tasks, like grocery shopping. Thank you for your love and support!  May you find God’s presence even in the smallest of tasks this week!
