
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Ok…so one of the quickest lessons you learn as a missionary is the importance of Plan B, because as always plans change.  We are no longer headed to Lesotho.  The day before we left we encountered more obstacles to our departure, we had a couple girls really sick, a spare tire on our van and another tire with a gash in it just to name the top two.  So yet again we called another leader meeting.  We talked about our options and decided that we would spend the afternoon praying.  We gathered the team and told them to pray for us as we make the decision.  We had a lot of confused students, which is no fault of their own, but their bipolar leaders.  So we approached the throne and all of us were in agreement that we needed to stay here in Jeffreys.  So needless to say we obeyed the Lord and find ourselves here.  We’re believing that the Lord has big things in store for us here and are expecting him to act mightily this week.  As a leadership team we have some great things planned throughout this week.  We are hiking a mountain tomorrow, the goal is to allow the students some time and space for reflection and strength, we are going to conduct the 30 hour famine on Tuesday and spend 24 hours in prayer on Wednesday.  During the afternoons the students will have time to do intentional ministry with their internships and the people here that they’ve grown to love.  We  have some other activities planned this weekend, of course unconfirmed, but include some team builders and South African braaing (grilling).  So…there you have it Plan B.  I think Jesus loves Plan B’s just as much as Plan A’s! 
