
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Heather Michaele Beard is my name and I was born on October 15th of 1983.  I grew up in upstate New York and moved to beautiful Colorado for college.
 Who knew that on the fifth floor of Stearns East I would find the lover of my soul, my Savior and True Father?  I discovered a Jesus I never knew through the people that God put on my path that year.  I gave the Lord my heart and from that day on I have been discovering who God made me to be and trying to live out this journey of life.  All through out college I spent my summers and spring breaks on mission trips.  My first trip was to Ensenada Mexico and I can remember sitting at an orphanage we were working at and thinking I could do this every day of my life.  I believe that was the first time God spoke to my heart about where He was going to take me and the gifts He had given me.  Since that day He has put a passion for people of other nations, especially children inside of my heart.  My junior year of college I had my first encounter with AIM.  I was randomly assigned to go on the Real Life trip to Kenya with 2 others from my college ministry.  I remember reading the description of the trip and it went a little something like this…ministry includes open air meetings, door to door evangelism, dramas, orphanage work, teaching…..whatever is what I thought.  Nobody actually does that kind of evangelism anymore!  Boy was I in for it.  Our team arrived to Kibera and what was the first thing we did….door to door evangelism.  I think I cried that night.  But I can honestly say that that trip changed my life, I came home a completely different person with a different faith and a different heart.  And that’s where my passion of leading students into ministry comes from.  My experience with AIM changed my life and I want to walk students through that time of their life.  So here I am, I am getting ready to lead teams into ministry wherever God takes me in this journey of life.   

One response to “My Bio”

  1. Hay-Hay! Oh how I miss you, love! I have enjoyed checking out your blog. Your heart is beautiful and I am blessed to call you my sister. Always praying! -Katie sue