
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well we are back into the swing of things here in JBay. It has felt so great to finally start again. Over the holiday I had a lot of time to think, pray and listen to God. There have been times in my life where I have been disappointed with God for putting me in places or situations that do not necessarily line up with my expectations, hopes or desires. My time here in JBay has been one of those experiences. Last semester was nothing of what I expected from my time in Africa. But I have come to realize that maybe that is ok. That even though my time was nothing of what I expected, maybe it was better that way. Maybe God put me in places and situations that I didn’t want to be in, and maybe in my reluctancy I missed Him. Maybe I missed the things that He wanted to do in me and through me. And maybe that is the case and maybe it is not. But as I have returned to JBay, I have felt God redeeming the life of His servant and restoring a hope that He has a purpose for me here. As I return this semester, I return with less of my own expectations and am far more open in waiting and expecting God to do His thing, not mine. As I look back over the last three months, I regret living in my own stubbornness of wanting life to look the way that I had planned it, but am thankful for a God of second chances. Thank you for all your love and support and for your continued prayers. Please be in continued prayer for our safety, our house seems to be targeted these days.  Someone the other day walked right in, while someone was home and stole one of our girl’s purse.  It doesn’t seem to be that whoever keeps coming in is wanting to do harm, just wanting our things.  So we continue to praise God for looking out for our wellbeing.   

Stay tuned this week for fun stories, pictures and videos of our first week back in action!

