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I never knew.

A memoir by Heather Beard

I never knew what God would do during this period of my life where I have been waiting.
  As most of you know international missions has been my heart and a part of my life for the last 5 years.
   As I have traveled the world and served God’s people He has forever changed my world perspective.
  I have seen and held too many children without parents, I have seen firsthand what it means to survive day to day and I have seen the living die to just turn my back to it.
  And through it all God has touched my heart to give all that I have in hopes people throughout the ends of the earth may know that there is a Father in Heaven who knows each of our names and knows the number of hairs on our heads.
  When I was through with college I was eager to go, but of course God had a different plan over my life.
  I thought I would be in a 6 month transition phase here, not 2 years.
  But as I approach my last day of work I believe I have come to an understanding of the satisfaction that waiting really brings.
  Over the last two years I have developed some of the strongest relationships that one can have with their place of employment.
  Because it’s not my place of employment anymore, it’s become my family.
  And I am leaving knowing that my family loves me deeply and hoping they know the same.
  So thank you Cornerstone for the many memories and laughter that I will hold deeply in my heart forever.
  I never knew I could be loved the way I am by all of you and I never knew I could love so deeply back.



Goodbye for now Cornerstone!  May the Lord bless each and everyone of you.

Goodbye for now Cornerstone!  May the Lord bless each and everyone of you.