
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I am sorry for the massive amounts of posting today, but I wanted to fill you in with the last couple of weeks.  Tag, Holly and I have arrived to Jeffrey’s Bay, JBay or Jeffrey’s as the locals call it.  It has been nice to have a place to call home for more than 2 weeks at a time.  Yesterday we went out and bought bedding, I picked my room and now really have my own space!  It is really exciting for me at this moment.  We have two weeks before the students actually arrive.  During this time we hope to bond as a leadership time, establish our roles as a team and for our team, and also start making ministry contacts.  It will be a busy time for us, but it is so exciting to finally be here.  I hope to hear from you soon!  We have internet access in our house so email and skyping are far easier now.  I love you all and think of you often.
