
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Dear Friends, Family and Supporters

What a fantastic couple of months I have just
had. Since my last blog, our team
finished up a great first semester in JBay.
We had our group debrief in George, a stop along the Garden
Route which is a beautiful scenic drive along the
coastline of the Eastern Cape. It was a great time of fellowship and
relaxation, reflecting on what God has done and making plans for this semester
for ourselves and ministry. We were able
to do a lot of fun activities; one of my favorites was a tour of an ostrich
farm. Sounds lame, I know but seriously check it out sometime.

Then from our debrief, our team split for the
month break, some going home and some staying in Jeffrey’s for the
holidays. I was privileged enough to be
able to go back to the states. I spent
three lovely weeks, with my boyfriend, Chad,
his family my family, as well as supporters and friends of both of ours. The time we spent together was more beautiful
and blessed than we could have every prayed or imagined. We had such a good time meeting the important
people in our lives as it gave us a deeper glimpse into each other. Thank you to all of you who made time to hang
out with Chad and I and for all of those who had us over for dinner, or allowed
us to stay at your house. It was truly a
blessing.  Here are a few pictures of Chad and I as well as the Mustain Family.

So here I am back in Jeffrey’s, sitting in our living room,
typing this blog. I got in late last
night and was able to sleep through the night.
Although I woke up this morning a little bit in a frenzy, seeing how it
was 1 a.m. Texas
time. Thank you for your prayers. I am
looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me and for our team this



5 responses to “Here I Am.”

  1. Heather I am so glad you are relaxed and now ready to get into what you do best – serving God. You are blessed to be in such a great family. Sharon and all those Mustains make everyone feel blessed and loved. I will keep praying for you and your team.

  2. Heather you look so at peace and filled with the love of the Lord. Thank you for stepping out and doing God’s work. It will be interesting to see what you and Chad will go next. Maybe you will do missions together. Scandanavia is calling for people to spread the good news! Sweden has the highest suicide rate. (just a little call out for the vikings) It sounds like a great semester is ahead. We will be praying. Love Aunt Annette

  3. Heather, what a great time we had with you and Chad over the holidays here in TX! We look forward to God continuing to work through you both as you serve the “least and the lost” We love your heart for God and our son!

    Our prayers are with you until we meet again.


  4. Hey, girl!

    It was a privilege and a pleasure to get to meet you, look into your eyes, see your heart, hug you and love on you!

    God is using you there and everywhere. Do you realize how you spoke to my heart? Crazy what an hour and a hug can do! Huh? But let that be a reminder to us of the power of letting God use us. Even in the (seemingly) small things God can move, touch, heal, reveal so much!

    1 Peter 2:22 (underlined in my bible) Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. ( heart circled and underlined)

    I am captivated by the “heart” and what it means. The life force. The body can’t sustain without it.

    Love and prayers from here to there.

    m 🙂

  5. Howdy Hey Hey! You are in our thoughts and prayers today and always. We miss you and we are having “Blokus” withdrawls. Bosco misses you too! Love you!