
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Friends and Family-  I wanted to send out an update including important events for the next couple of months as well as a support update!  According to my calculations I am about two-thirds of the way!  God has just been so good to me these past couple of weeks…He just keeps confir
ming that He is faithful and that I can trust His plan for me!  But I wanted to thank all of you who are making this possible for me!  I am looking forward to partnering with you this next year! I am planning on leaving the state on August 13th/14th to visit friends and family throughout the country.  So here are some events that I know the for sure date on.  I would like all of you to join me in any of them.  If you need more information just call or email! 

July 21st:  Help Send Heather to Africa Walkathon/Bikeathon. 9 AM at Carson Nature Center

July28th:  Help Send Heather to Africa Garage Sale.

August 12th: Church in the City (my sending church) will be praying over me and sending me out at the second service.  1030 AM. 

I would love to have you all join me and others for these events.  There may be some more events, but I will keep you posted!