
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today our team had the opportunity to help with a local 5K put on by a Dutch couple to help raise awareness and donations for the Joshua Project. See a previous blog entry, . This is the second year that they have done this event. It costs 10 Rand to run the race, which is about $1.50 with all the proceeds going directly to the Joshua Project. This couple from Holland spend their holiday season in Jeffrey’s spreading the word, collecting prizes and preparing for the race. They did an excellent job and hosted a wonderful event. Besides having an adult race, they also have a short 500 meter race for the kids. So 3 of us jumped in our kombi, or van, and went into the township collecting kids. With the help of Bougani, a favorite child among the team shouting out the window, we gathered almost 20 kids. It always amazes me how the parents here just send their children out the door to go with a van full of Americans. And somehow all of the kids made it back home, plus a couple more I’m pretty sure. It was a fun day and a great reunion for many of us with some of the kids that our hearts fell in love with last semester. Enjoy a couple pictures of the Fun Run.

Bougani helping us gather some kids.

Our Kombi, with everyone in it.

Actually, its quite serious!

3 of us helped at the halfway point to encourage and hydrate the runners!

Some of our students particpated.

Some of the Joshua Project Boys….love them.

Jap, he is one of the directors at Joshua and a favorite among the kids.

We ended with prizes for the winners and of course dancing.

Thank you for keeping this place in your prayers!  There are so many good people that we work with here, they truly are a blessing.
