
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Community.  Something I can’t thrive without, can any of us really?  We can try and live without it, but we get eaten alive by the world, the pressures, the attacks that happen on a daily basis.  With noone to process that with, it just takes pieces of your heart, of my heart.  For the last two years I have had community here and there.  And that community here and there has been divine.  Over the last two years God has brought specific people in to my life at exactly the times I needed them.  I needed Jared for his loving, endearing and encouraging words as I was figuring out the world on my own.  I needed Chirs and Tom, Solomon and Aragorn to take me into a place of worship after experiencing death in many ways.  They truly revived my heart. I needed Kari, Krista and Brittany to take me deeper into God’s word and love me as friends do.  I needed Amy to remind me that despite hardship and suffering our God is still good.  And I needed this past weekend.  I needed the laughter that old friends bring.  JonErik, Richard and Travis came,again reviving my heart with laughter, worship and adornment for our Creator.  I am reminded through community how beautiful and good our God is.  And because of that I can’t live without community.  And because of that I don’t want to live without community.  I am thankful for the community I have had here and there. 

 As I prepare for next year, He keeps whispering that word over and over in my ear.  Community.  It’s something that I live for, that my heart beats for.  And it is pleasing to God.  To love people for all that they are with all that you have, it just doesn’t get any better than that.  I can’t wait to live with gobs of students and leaders, to be all cramped together, taking over one another’s personal space.  I might sound crazy, but it brings a smile to my face. 

And then I think about the day that I will meet Jesus face to face.  True community.

2 responses to “Community”

  1. A big hearty AMEN to all of the above, dawg. I think of all those times in my life when I was surrounded by that kind of community… Philly, Mexico, Africa (yes, even Africa) and I praise God for the things He showed me in those moments. Then I long for the day when we all can be together in the presence of the Almighty…. WOOOHOOOO
    Love to you, sister.

  2. Heather!
    I am extremely excited for you and what He is doing in your life! Thanks again for bringing AIM up in our conversation as well! I look forward to a new experience…
    God bless 🙂