
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So today we were suppossed to be on our way to Lesotho, but the events that have unfolded this week prevented us from making our trip.  This week we were informed that our visa extension request had been denied.  It threw our leadership team into a crazy time of brainstorming ideas of how we can get that request granted so that our team would not have to go home a month early.  The Vias went down to the Home Affairs office to try and get our money back and by the end of their time there they came out with our visa extenstions.  We are not quite sure how it all worked out, but know that our God hears our prayers and loves to answer them.  So with that craziness, we postponed our trip to Lesotho.  We will still be going, but instead of leaving this weekend we will leave on April 5th.  This weekend we are still heading out of town with our team.  We are taking them to Alice, a town 3 hours East of Jeffrey’s.  We promised a former pastor of a church here in Jeffrey’s that we would come for Easter Sunday and did not want to go against our word.  So this morning we are headed to Alice to join Pastor Gundu and his church for ministry and for Easter.  Please just keep our team in your prayers, for health, safety and traveling mercies.  We plan to be back on Monday afternoon to continue on with ministry here in Jeffrey’s.  Thank you all so much for your love.

One response to “Change in Plans.”

  1. Heather,

    Our prayers and love travel across the miles from Colorado to Jeffries bay. We wish you a most blessed Easter, rejoicing in Our Lord who is raised from the dead. Alleluia.