
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

   The other day I asked the Lord to reveal my purpose here in South Africa. Why am I here Lord, what do you desire for me and out of me this year? His answer was one word, deep. As I journaled through that word, the Lord brought 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, “‘What no eye has seen, no ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him’- these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God”. I came to no resolution that day, but as the days pass I believe the Lord is showing me and revealing to me the depths of Himself.

   I find myself walking with one our students, who is in a place of beautiful brokenness. I find myself being used by God to reveal the deep things of Himself to her during this time. And as I am pouring that into her, I feel Him drawing me into the deeper places of his Heart. This last week I have been reading over and over and mediating on Song of Solomon. I feel all that He has been doing in me this month is coming to a head. I feel Him drawing me closer and more intimately than I have ever allowed myself to experience. As I read the way a bride is described, the capability we have to ravish the Lover of our souls with just one glance I am blown away that He desires me. “I am my beloved’s and his desire is for me.” He desires me, He chooses to love me right where I am at, no matter what I do or where I go, He will continue to be ravished and captivated by one glance.

   He describes the bride as a locked garden, a fountain sealed. Yet in that garden there is a fountain, a well of living water. And maybe He is answering me in my question of how do I regain that living water. Is it just that I need to embrace Him as my bridegroom and as his bride there will be a well of living water in my garden? Can it be that simple? That living water I long for, can come simply by being ravished by His presence?

I hope that you feel captivated by the Lord’s presence today.

Loving you and Missing you from afar-


I apologize for the lack of pictures….unfortuantely my camera has broken.  I will be taking lots of pictures next semester!  Sorry for you who are visual…

3 responses to “Beautiful Brokenness.”

  1. As always, a wonderfully inspiring post. You really do have a way with words Heather. I admire the way you are able to express what is on your heart and mind. 1437

  2. Wow, babe. Thanks for sharing all that God is showing you. Thinking about you all the time.

    PS…. surely you aren’t talking about the new camera you bought before you left??!!!

    much love

  3. Heather,
    It’s a really beautuful place that the Lord has you in. Thanks for sharing.

    Grace & Peace,