
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well, Chad and I arrived safely into
Georgia Friday night. While in Roswell over the weekend I managed
to purchase my wedding dress, caught up a few friends, had a great
visit to one of our supporting churches Dunwoody Baptist, registered at
Target and Bed Bath and Beyond, and had a restful time staying with
Kurt, Faith, and Shiver Giebel.

We are now in Gainesville, GA
staying with our good friends Don and Connie Rock. We have had two great marriage counseling sessions with Jeff and Kelly and signed a lease on a beautiful apartment for the fall.

Chad and I have had a great time networking, building new relationships, connecting with potential ministry partners, and reconnecting with our AIM family. We have been so blessed by the hospitality of our friends
and supporters while back in the States.

Please pray that I will experience rest and peace in the midst of all the planning and life changes I am going through. Chad has been such a blessing and is taking wonderful care of me.

More soon!!


4 responses to “Arrived Safely.”

  1. I am very happy for you Heather, God loves you dearly, and I am glad that Chad is becoming a vessel of the Lord’s care and comfort for you! May the Lord’s love and grace flow through both of you for each other. Blessings

  2. We are so glad you and Chad are home safe and sound. We can’t wait to see you!

  3. Hooray for being back safely and together with Chad and for buying a BEAUTIFUL dress and for signing a lease…it’s all coming together! I hope that you continue to enjoy your time there and that you do find the rest that I know your heart needs. So looking forwrad to seeing you.
    Love you much

  4. We are looking forward to seeing both of you soon, and having a great time with you.