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Thank you all for your complete covering in prayer over the last couple of weeks. We have safely arrived to South Africa and are staying at a base called Alabanza. We have been here less than a week, but it feels like soo much longer than that. Who knew God could mold and shape people the way He has over the last couple of weeks? Our days consist of training in the morning and ministry in the afternoons. This will be mine and the Thompson’s only week we will be spending with our team here. On Friday morning at 5:30 we will get on a plane to travel to our home for the next 8 months, Jeffrey’s Bay. The team will continue to stay for two more weeks. Next week they will go into Swaziland and continue training and ministry, the last week they will return here to Alabanza continuing their program. I visited Alabanza for the first time last February and saw and felt firsthand the healing and restoration that happens here. And here I am experiencing that again, yet seeing God do it in the lives of our students. This week we are addressing the subject of surrender. Yesterday we practiced surrendering the things that we hold so tightly to, today we surrendered the baggage that so many of us carry throughout our lives. And I believe there is no better place than Alabanza to allow God to fully restore these students, it truly is a place that fosters that kind of atmosphere. I am sad to leave our students for two weeks, but am fully confident that God will continue the work I see Him doing in them. It will truly be a joyous reunion! Thank you for all your prayers. I would ask that you continue to pray for our students as the next couple of weeks are crucial, both in training and ministry. I have been experiencing a reoccurrence of my headaches, so you can pray against those as well, but don’t worry prayer has been my best form of medicine thus far! I can’t thank you all enough for your support. I truly am humbled by the ways you love me.

My address in Jeffrey’s Bay will be:

PO Box 921

Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa 6330

And my South African phone number is:


I love you all and am missing you from afar.

Here are a few pictures of the property we stayed at

This is the barn where we do most of our activities.

This is the coffee house and pool on the property.

Our Kombies, which I did get to drive the one on the far left!

This is the inside of the barn.

This was the cabin I lived in.

One of my first beautiful African sunsets.

One response to “Alabanza”

  1. Heather! So glad that you guys arrived safely even if you had to stay extra long at the “armpit”. Your place looks absolutely beautiful!