
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This past Saturday I held an event titled, “Help Send Heather to Africa Walkathon”.  It was a fundraiser I put on to help raise support for my upcoming trip to South Africa.  The idea was given by an AIM friend of mine, Alli Mellon.  Alli was my leader to Kenya in 04′ and she has been raising support for the last 5 years I believe.  She puts an event on like this every year with her old youth group and graciously spread the word what a wonderful fundraiser it is.  So around 25-30 friends and family members of mine jumped on board this weekend to help raise $100 through sponsorships and walk or bike between 5-10 miles just to help me go to Africa.  It was a true success for many reasons.  The first reason is because with their help they added over $3000 to my support account!  But more importantly it was a humbling event to my heart.  To see people whom Ive known for a short while, a lifetime, and people I have never meet before get behind me and support me touches the heart in a way that is unexplainable.  So thank you all for your help, the sponsors and my faithful walkers and bikers.  It indeed ended up being a hot, sunny Colorado summer day, but the sunburn, dehydration and sweat was way worth it! 

“Let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.”  1 John 4:7

Thank you for
loving me!

One response to “A True Success”

  1. Heather,
    Wow, God blessed your walkathon so much!!! We can’t wait to hear all about how the last few months have gone for you. We love ya and can’t wait to see you!!