
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well the time has finally come, tomorrow we are headed to Lesotho
for our two week outreach. God granted
us favor with the visa office in Port
Elizabeth and our visa extension request was
permitted. We will be working with a pastor called James in the mountainous
region of Butha Buthe. I have heard that
Lesotho is an absolutely
breath taking country, so I am excited to experience another part of Africa. Please be
in prayer for our team over the next couple of weeks, as we will be out of our
comforts and facing a reality that most Africans face each day. Pastor James and his family have started an
orphanage and a care point center for children in their area. While we are there our main hope is just to
be helping hands for Pastor James and his staff and to bless them in anyway we
can. Not only will we be out of our
comfort zone physically, but spiritually as well. Because we will be in the bush, we are going
to be encountering traditional African spirituality, which can be very dark and
oppressive at times. Because of Jesus’
perfect love, we will walk without fear, but I would like to extend that you
cover us in prayer in this way as well.
We are excited for this experience and are looking forward and expecting
God to do big things.

A quick update on me personally:

This week was our team’s spring break and therefore a break
for us as well! Most of our team packed
up and went to Cape Town
for the week, leaving the house almost quiet.
Christina, Holly and I took up an offer from a lady named Joy in a nearby
town called St Francis Bay and invaded her place. St Francis Bay is located right on the Krom’s
River which empties into the Indian Ocean. Joy’s house was right on the river and we
found it so peaceful. We really were
blessed by her hospitality and found ourselves for the first time in months
being taken care of. She cooked us all
our meals and we even had tea and snacks all day long. She let us watch T.V. and we sat on real
couches! It truly was a treat. Her son even came over and gave us a boat
ride through the canals of St Francis it was so beautiful. It was a fun filled weekend, but also a
relaxing one where I was able to process and pray through a lot of things in my
life. I’m grateful that God gave us the
blessing of staying with Joy and I’m grateful for the time that God has given
me this week to catch up on some matters in my life. Please continue to pray for me as I am
working and processing through a lot of the upcoming changes!



Here are a few photos:

The sunset over the Krom’s River.

Christina on our canal ride.

One of the beautiful holiday homes on the canal. 

Enjoying a breath taking view.


St Francis Lighthouse.