
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Before we left for Cape
Town our students put on a couple huge events for the
kids they work with. The Ithemba crew
put together a carnival, where over 90 kids attended! Check out these pictures below. It was a crazy and fun time, a time where
kids could be kids again!

The Joshua Project team put together a last supper, to say
the least with the kids they work with. It
was a fun filled day with laughter, dancing, egg races and food! Check out these pics from the day.

I am beyond proud of our students this year.  They have truly made a difference in this community.  They have forever left a footprint in the lives of many. 

Thank you for helping make a difference!

One response to “A Carnival and Last Supper.”

  1. I wish we could have been there…it looks like so much fun and such a great opportunity to impact these little ones for Christ…we are proud of you!