
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I wanted to continue to introduce you in further depth of what some of our students participate in. One of the ministries that they thoroughly enjoy is house visits. At the beginning of the semester we met up with a contact of ours named Auntie Matilda. If all of you could meet Auntie Matilda you would be eternally blessed. She is an amazing, passionate woman of God. She desires to see the face of God glorified in her own community. She spends her time taking care of those whose lives have been devastated by AIDS. Everyday she visits those who are sick and does anything she can to make their life a joy. She washes, she bandages, she prays fervently, she delivers food, she is Jesus. Everyone in these parts knows Auntie Matilda. After a couple of weeks of following Auntie Matilda, the students began developing relationships with a few families in the community, whom they visit on a weekly basis.

One of these relationships is with a woman named Noma. Noma is of Xhosa decent and a beautiful woman of God. Noma has AIDS and her life has been in a fragile state of condition. Last semester, standing 6 foot tall, she weighed only 40 Kilos which is about 88 pounds. Her feet were swollen immensely, so even walking and doing things around the home were impossible. Our students visit and pray over her almost daily throughout the week hoping to bring a little joy to her day. As they returned to her house for the fist time in a month this past week they were overjoyed by what they saw. We were all a little worried for her, not being sure if she would still be alive upon returning. O thee of litte faith….she had gained around 8 Kilos and her feet were back to normal! She is almost back to a state of health where she can start taking ARV’s, which help prolong her life and better her health. I know the Lord is increasing the faith of our students through Noma. I am so thankful for what He is doing through them and through Noma. Please keep her in your prayers. For more on the house visit team see



2 responses to “A Beautiful Lady.”

  1. Hi Heather!

    I am blessed to see the things that you all are doing. What a beautiful example of God’s faithfulness through His servants! It was great to see you if only for a few moments at CITC on your last visit. I got your thank-you card and treat, it was great! Take care Heather, and may the Lord continue to reveal Himself to you in ways you would never imagine.
    love, Brenda

  2. agh my friend are a beautiful lady!

    P.S I better see a wedding invite real soon or theres gonna be trouble all up in your world!!